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January 10, 2018

How will Certificate Transparency Logs be Audited in Practice?

Certificate Transparency, the effort to detect misissued SSL certificates by publishing all certificates in public logs, only works if TLS clients reject certificates that are not logged. Otherwise, certificate authorities could just not log the certificates that they misissue. TLS clients accomplish this by requiring that a certificate be accompanied by a "signed certificate timestamp" (SCT), which is a promise by a log to include the certificate within 24 hours of the SCT's issuance timestamp. (This period is called the Maximum Merge Delay. It doesn't have to be 24 hours, but it is for all logs currently trusted by Chrome.) The SCT can be embedded in the certificate, the OCSP response (which the TLS server must staple), or the TLS handshake.

But an SCT is only a promise. What if the log breaks its promise and never includes the certificate? After all, certificate authorities promise not to issue bad certificates, but they do so in droves. We don't want to replace the problem of untrustworthy certificate authorities with the problem of untrustworthy Certificate Transparency logs. Fortunately, Certificate Transparency was designed to be verifiable, making it possible, in theory, for the TLS client to verify that the log fulfills its promise. Unfortunately, SCT verification seems to be a rather elusive problem in practice. In this post, I'm going to explore some of the possible solutions, and explain their shortcomings.

Direct Proof Fetching

A Certificate Transparency log stores its certificates in the leaves of an append-only Merkle Tree, which means the log can furnish efficient-to-verify cryptographic proofs that a certificate is included in the tree, and that one tree is an appendage of another. The log provides several HTTP endpoints for acquiring these proofs, which a TLS client can use to audit an SCT as follows:

  1. Use the get-sth endpoint to retrieve the log's latest signed tree head (STH). Store the returned tree head.

  2. Use the get-sth-consistency endpoint to retrieve a consistency proof between the tree represented by the previously-stored tree head, and the tree represented by the latest tree head. Verify the proof. If the proof is invalid, it means the new tree is not an appendage of the old tree, so the log has violated its append-only property.

  3. Use the get-proof-by-hash endpoint to retrieve an inclusion proof for the SCT based on the latest tree head. Verify the proof. If the proof is invalid, it means the log has not included the corresponding certificate in the log.

Note that steps 1 and 2 only need to be done periodically for each log, rather than once for every certificate validation.

There are several problems with direct proof fetching:

  1. Logs can't handle the load of every web browser everywhere contacting them for every TLS connection ever made.

  2. When the client asks for an inclusion proof in step 3, it has to reveal to the log which SCT it wants the proof for. Since each SCT corresponds to a certificate, and certificates contain domain names, the log learns every domain the client is visiting, which is a violation of the user's privacy.

  3. Since the log has up to 24 hours to include a certificate, the certificate might not be included at the time the client sees an SCT. Furthermore, even if 24 hours have elapsed, it would slow down the TLS client to retrieve a proof during the TLS handshake. Therefore, the client has to store the SCT and certificate and fetch the inclusion proof at some future time.

    This exposes the client to denial-of-service attacks, wherein a malicious website could try to exhaust the client's storage by spamming it with certificates and SCTs faster than the client can audit them (imagine a website which uses JavaScript to make a lot of AJAX requests in the background). To avoid denial-of-service, the client has to limit the size of its unverified SCT store. Once the limit is reached, the client has to stop adding to the store, or evict old entries. Either way, it exposes the client to flushing attacks, wherein an attacker with a misissued certificate and bogus SCT spams the client with good certificates and SCTs so the bad SCT never gets verified.

    Another question is what to do if the verification fails. It's too late to abort the TLS handshake and present a certificate error. Most users would be terribly confused if their browser presented an error message about a misbehaving log, so there needs to be a way for the client to automatically report the SCT to some authority (e.g. the browser vendor) so they know that the log has misbehaved and needs to be distrusted.

Proxied Auditing

To solve the scalability problem, clients can talk with servers operated by the client software supplier, rather than the logs themselves. (The client software supplier has to be comfortable operating scalable infrastructure; Google is, at least.)

For example, Chrome doesn't retrieve STHs and consistency proofs directly from logs. Instead, Google-operated servers perform steps 1 and 2 and distribute batches of STHs (called STHSets) to clients using Chrome's update system. Users have to trust the Google servers to faithfully audit the STHs, but since Chrome users already have to trust Google to provide secure software, there is arguably no loss in security with this approach.

Unfortunately, proxied auditing doesn't fully solve the privacy problem. Instead of leaking every domain the user visits to the log operator, requesting an inclusion proof leaks visited domains to the client software supplier.

DNS Proof Fetching

Chrome's solution to the privacy problem is to fetch inclusion proofs over DNS. Instead of making an HTTP request to the get-proof-by-hash endpoint, Chrome will make a series of DNS requests for sub-domains of which contain the parameters of the inclusion proof request. For example:

The name servers for respond with the inclusion proof inside TXT records.

Chrome believes DNS proof fetching is better for privacy because instead of their servers learning the Chrome user's own IP address, they will learn the IP address of the user's DNS resolver. If the user is using an ISP's DNS resolver, its IP address will be shared among all the ISP's users. Although DNS is unencrypted and an eavesdropper along the network path could learn what inclusion proofs the user is fetching, they would already know what domains the user is visiting thanks to the DNS queries used to resolve the domain in the first place.

However, there are some caveats: if a user doesn't share a DNS resolver with many other users, it may be possible to deanonymize them based on the timing of the DNS queries. Also, if a user visits a domain handled by an internal DNS server (e.g., that DNS query won't leak onto the open Internet, but the DNS query for the inclusion proof will, causing a DNS privacy leak that didn't exist previously. A privacy analysis is available if you want to learn more.

Chrome's DNS proof fetching is still under development and hasn't shipped yet.

Embedded Proofs

The second version of Certificate Transparency (which is not yet standardized or deployed) allows inclusion proofs to be presented to clients alongside SCTs (embedded in the certificate, OCSP response, or TLS handshake) saving the client the need to fetch inclusion proofs itself. That solves the problems above, but creates new ones.

First, inclusion proofs can't be obtained until the certificate is included in the log, which currently takes up to 24 hours. If clients were to require inclusion proofs along with SCTs, a newly issued certificate wouldn't be usable for up to 24 hours. That's OK for renewals (as long as you don't wait until the last minute to renew), but people are used to being able to get new certificates right away.

Second, clients can no longer choose the STH on which an inclusion proof is based. With direct or DNS proof fetching, the client always requests an inclusion proof to the latest STH, and the client can easily verify that the latest STH is consistent with the previous STH. When the client gets an embedded inclusion proof, it doesn't immediately know if the STH on which it is based is consistent with other STHs that the client has observed. The client has to audit the STH.

Unfortunately, the more frequently a log produces STHs that incorporate recently-submitted certificates, the harder it is to audit them. Consider the extreme case of a log creating a new STH immediately after every certificate submission. Although this would let an inclusion proof be obtained immediately for an SCT, auditing the new STH has all the same problems as SCT auditing that were discussed above. It's bad for privacy, since a log can assume that a client auditing a particular STH visited the domain whose certificate was submitted right before the STH was produced. And if the client wants to avoid making auditing requests during the TLS handshake, it has to store the STH for later auditing, exposing it to denial-of-service and flushing attacks.

STH Frequency and Freshness

To address the privacy problems of excessive STH production, CTv2 introduces a new log attribute called the STH Frequency Count, defined as the maximum number of STHs a log may produce in any period equal to the Maximum Merge Delay. The CT gossip draft defines a fresh STH to be one that was produced less than 14 days in the past. Clients could require that embedded inclusion proofs be based on a fresh STH. Then, with an STH Frequency Count that permits one STH an hour, there are only 336 fresh STHs at any given time for any given log - few enough that auditing them is practical and private. Auditing one of 336 STHs doesn't leak any information, and since the number of STHs is bounded, there is no risk of denial-of-service or flushing attacks.

It would also be possible for the client software supplier to operate a service that continuously fetches fresh STHs from logs, audits them for consistency, and distributes them to clients, saving clients the need to audit STHs themselves. (Just like Chrome currently does with the latest STHs.)

Unfortunately, this is not a perfect solution.

First, there would still be a delay before an inclusion proof can be obtained and a newly-issued certificate used. Many server operators and certificate authorities aren't going to like that.

Second, server operators would need to refresh the embedded inclusion proof every 14 days so it is always based on a fresh STH. That rules out embedding the inclusion proof in the certificate, unless the certificate is valid for less than 14 days. The server operator could use OCSP stapling, with the certificate authority responsible for embedding a new inclusion proof every 14 days in the OCSP response. Or the server operator's software could automatically obtain a new inclusion proof every 14 days and embed it in the TLS handshake. Unfortunately, there are no implementations of the latter, and there are very few robust implementations of OCSP stapling. Even if implementations existed, there would be a very long tail of old servers that were never upgraded.

One possibility is to make DNS proof fetching the default, but allow server operators to opt-in to embedded proofs, much like server operators can use HSTS to opt-in to enforced HTTPS. Server operators who run up-to-date software with reliable OCSP Stapling and who don't mind a delay in certificate issuance would be able to provide better security and privacy to their visitors. Maybe at some point in the distant future, embedded proofs could become required for everyone.

All of this is a ways off. CTv2 is still not standardized. Chrome still doesn't do any SCT auditing, and consequentially its CT policy requires at least one SCT to be from a Google-operated log, since Google obviously trusts its own logs not to break its promises. Fortunately, even without widespread log auditing, Certificate Transparency has been a huge success, cleaning up the certificate authority ecosystem and making everyone more secure. Nevertheless, I think it would be a shame if Certificate Transparency's auditability were never fully realized, and I hope we'll be able to find a way to make it work.


September 28, 2017

Why Man-in-the-Middle Detection is Overrated

Last week, Nick Sullivan launched, a website that purports to tell you whether or not your HTTPS connection is being intercepted by a man-in-the-middle (MitM). uses Caddy's HTTPS MitM Detection Feature, which implements the techniques described in this paper. Basically, Caddy compares the browser name and version number advertised by the User-Agent header to the properties of the TLS handshake initiated by the client (e.g. ciphersuites). If the TLS handshake doesn't match the known properties of the purported browser, then the TLS handshake was probably not initiated by the browser, but by a man-in-the-middle. Caddy's documentation suggests that you could display an error message if a MitM is detected. displays either a green "No MITM!" page, or a red "Likely MITM!" page.

Unfortunately, there is a significant and intractable shortcoming to MitM detection: a MitM can defeat the detection by making its TLS implementation work exactly like that of the browser it's proxying, or at least similar enough that the differences are not observable by the server. You should assume a malicious MitM (one designed to steal data) will conceal itself this way. And if websites start displaying errors when a MitM is detected, you should expect the makers of commercial TLS interception devices (e.g. Bluecoat) to respond by making their interception devices indistinguishable from browsers.

We need to stop obsessing over MitM detection. In addition to server-side MitM detection, another recurring idea is to apply HTTP Public Key Pinning (HPKP) to certificates issued by private certificate authorities (e.g. those used by MitM devices), or to display a special icon in the browser when an HTTPS connection uses a private certificate authority. These proposals are barking up the wrong tree. Short of protocol or implementation vulnerabilities, there are only two ways a TLS connection can be intercepted without the consent of the server operator: one, an unauthorized certificate is issued by a publicly-trusted certificate authority, or two, a private certificate authority has been added to the client's trust store. (I assume the website is using HSTS, which prevents certificate errors from being bypassed.) For the first case, we have Certificate Transparency, which is better than even pie-in-the-sky MitM detection, since it detects rogue certificates even if they are never used. And the second case can only happen if the client's trust store is modified. At that point, the client's security should be considered compromised, as the ability to modify the trust store typically implies the ability to do much worse, such as install spyware that monitors and exfiltrates everything you do, without so much as touching a TLS connection. It's pointless to try to ensure end-to-end encryption when the security of an endpoint is in doubt.

That said, there is one potential benefit to MitM detection. Despite claiming to improve security, many commercial TLS interception devices actually harm security by using TLS client implementations that are vastly inferior to those of modern browsers. For instance, they use old, insecure ciphers, or even neglect to validate the certificate. If the makers of commercial TLS interception devices are forced to emulate the TLS implementations of browsers to avoid detection, they may end up improving their security in the process. However, if this is the goal, MitM detection is rather superfluous: servers might as well just check for insecure attributes of the connection and raise an error if found, MitM or not. After all, MitMs are not the only perpetrators of poor TLS security; there are plenty of old and insecure browsers out there as well. Jeff Hodges' How's My SSL, which recently launched a subscription service that lets you use it on your own site, is one example of this approach.


January 24, 2017

Thoughts on the Systemd Root Exploit

Sebastian Krahmer of the SUSE Security Team has discovered a local root exploit in systemd v228. A local user on a system running systemd v228 can escalate to root privileges. That's bad.

At a high level, the exploit is trivial:

  1. Systemd uses -1 to represent an invalid mode_t (filesystem permissions) value.
  2. Systemd was accidentally passing this value to open when creating a new file, resulting in a file with all permission bits set: that is, world-writable, world-executable, and setuid-root.
  3. The attacker writes an arbitrary program to this file, which succeeds because it's world-writable.
  4. The attacker executes this file, which succeeds because it's world-executable.
  5. The attacker-supplied program runs as root, because the file is setuid-root.

In mitigation: The vulnerability was fixed a year ago and less than three months after it was introduced. It is present only in v228.

In aggravation: The vulnerability was mislabeled at the time as a local denial-of-service and the systemd team did not request a CVE-ID for it. Had they requested a CVE-ID, someone may have noticed that this was more than a DoS. (Krahmer accurately points out that the systemd commit log is "really huge," which makes it hard to spot security-relevant commits.)

In mitigation: The vulnerability depends on a yet-unfixed hole in how Linux clears a file's setuid and setgid bits when writing to it. Systemd merely creates an empty setuid-root file. Gaining root requires writing to this file, and when a non-root user writes to a setuid-root file, the setuid bit is supposed to be cleared. halfdog found a clever way to circumvent this by tricking a root process into writing to the file instead. This is an extremely interesting vulnerability in itself and I can't wait to dive deeper into it.

In aggravation: The vulnerability would have been prevented if systemd used a fail-safe umask rather than setting it to 0, something I called out last September as evidence of systemd's poor security hygiene. A more sensible umask, such as 022, would have caused open to create the setuid-root file without world-writable permissions, preventing exploitation. However, systemd maintainer David Strauss rejected a safe umask with a completely illogical argument that shows his cluelessness over how systemd uses umask.

Lastly, this is yet another example of "The Billion Dollar Mistake": systemd was using a magic value (-1) to represent an invalid mode_t value, and C's type system did not prevent passing it to the mode argument of open. A language with a better type system, such as Rust or C++ (which has std::optional) can help prevent this kind of error.

That said, this is not about programming languages. Dovecot (among a handful of others) has demonstrated that adherence to good coding practices can produce secure software written in C. Rewriting systemd in a safer language would not transform it into quality software, although certain classes of bugs would likely be reduced or eliminated.

Rather, this is about lock-in. Systemd is introducing unprecedented lock-in to the Linux userspace. They are replacing previously-independent userspace services with ones whose development is controlled by the systemd project and which only work if systemd is PID 1. They are defining their own non-standard protocols and encouraging applications to use them. They have even replaced DNS with a dbus-based protocol, which they "strongly recommend" applications use instead of DNS. Sadly, the most recent version of Ubuntu ships with this travesty.

Systemd's developers have repeatedly demonstrated their poor judgment and unfitness to hold such responsibility. Unfortunately, the lock-in they're creating will deprive people of the ability to vote with their feet and switch to better alternatives.


October 2, 2016

Systemd is not Magic Security Dust

Systemd maintainer David Strauss has published a response to my blog post about systemd. The first part of his post is replete with ad hominem fallacies, strawmen, and factual errors. Ironically, in the same breath that he attacks me for not understanding the issues around threads and umasks, he betrays an ignorance of how the very project which he works on uses threads and umasks. This doesn't deserve a response beyond what I've called out on Twitter.

In the second part of his blog post, Strauss argues that systemd improves security by making it easy to apply hardening techniques to the network services which he calls the "keepers of data attackers want." According to Strauss, I'm "fighting one of the most powerful tools we have to harden the front lines against the real attacks we see every day." Although systemd does make it easy to restrict the privileges of services, Strauss vastly overstates the value of these features.

The best systemd can offer is whole application sandboxing. You can start a daemon as a non-root user, in a restricted filesystem namespace, with mandatory access control. Sandboxing an entire application is an effective way to run potentially malicious code, since it protects other applications from the malicious one. This makes sandboxing useful on smartphones, which need to run many different untrustworthy, single-user applications. However, since sandboxing a whole application cannot protect one part of the application from a compromise of a different part, it is ineffective at securing benign-but-insecure software, which is the problem faced on servers. Server applications need to service requests from many different users. If one user is malicious and exploits a vulnerability in the application, whole application sandboxing doesn't protect the other users of the service.

For concrete examples, let's consider Apache and Samba, two daemons which Strauss says would benefit from systemd's features.

First Apache. You can start Apache as a non-root user provided someone else binds to ports 443 and 80. You can further sandbox it by preventing it from accessing parts of the filesystem it doesn't need to access. However, no matter how much you try to sandbox Apache, a typical setup is going to need a broad amount of access to do its job, including read permission to your entire website (including password-protected parts) and access to any credential (database password, API key, etc.) used by your CGI, PHP, or similar webapps.

Even under systemd's most restrictive sandboxing, an attacker who gains remote code execution in Apache would be able to read your entire website, alter responses to your visitors, steal your HTTPS private keys, and gain access to your database and any API consumed by your webapps. For most people, this would be the worst possible compromise, and systemd can do nothing to stop it. Systemd's sandboxing would prevent the attacker from gaining access to the rest of your system (absent a vulnerability in the kernel or systemd), but in today's world of single-purpose VMs and containers, that protection is increasingly irrelevant. The attacker probably only wants your database anyways.

To provide a meaningful improvement to security without rewriting in a memory-safe language, Apache would need to implement proper privilege separation. Privilege separation means using multiple processes internally, each running with different privileges and responsible for different tasks, so that a compromise while performing one task can't lead to the compromise of the rest of the application. For instance, the process that accepts HTTP connections could pass the request to a sandboxed process for parsing, and then pass the parsed request along to yet another process which is responsible for serving files and executing webapps. Privilege separation has been used effectively by OpenSSH, Postfix, qmail, Dovecot, and over a dozen daemons in OpenBSD. (Plus a couple of my own: titus and rdiscd.) However, privilege separation requires careful design to determine where to draw the privilege boundaries and how to interface between them. It's not something which an external tool such as systemd can provide. (Note: Apache already implements privilege separation that allows it to process requests as a non-root user, but it is too coarse-grained to stop the attacks described here.)

Next Samba, which is a curious choice of example by Strauss. Having configured Samba and professionally administered Windows networks, I know that Samba cannot run without full root privilege. The reason why Samba needs privilege is not because it binds to privileged ports, but because, as a file server, it needs the ability to assume the identity of any user so it can read and write that user's files. One could imagine a different design of Samba in which all files are owned by the same unprivileged user, and Samba maintains a database to track the real ownership of each file. This would allow Samba to run without privilege, but it wouldn't necessarily be more secure than the current design, since it would mean that a post-authentication vulnerability would yield access to everyone's files, not just those of the authenticated user. (Note: I'm not sure if Samba is able to contain a post-authentication vulnerability, but it theoretically could. It absolutely could not if it ran as a single user under systemd's sandboxing.)

Other daemons are similar. A mail server needs access to all users' mailboxes. If the mail server is written in C, and doesn't use privilege separation, sandboxing it with systemd won't stop an attacker with remote code execution from reading every user's mailbox. I could continue with other daemons, but I think I've made my point: systemd is not magic pixie dust that can be sprinkled on insecure server applications to make them secure. For protecting the "data attackers want," systemd is far from a "powerful" tool. I wouldn't be opposed to using a library or standalone tool to sandbox daemons as a last line of defense, but the amount of security it provides is not worth the baggage of running systemd as PID 1.

Achieving meaningful improvement in software security won't be as easy as adding a few lines to a systemd config file. It will require new approaches, new tools, new languages. Jon Evans sums it up eloquently:

... as an industry, let's at least set a trajectory. Let's move towards writing system code in better languages, first of all -- this should improve security and speed. Let's move towards formal specifications and verification of mission-critical code.

Systemd is not part of this trajectory. Systemd is more of the same old, same old, but with vastly more code and complexity, an illusion of security features, and, most troubling, lock-in. (Strauss dismisses my lock-in concerns by dishonestly claiming that applications aren't encouraged to use their non-standard DBUS API for DNS resolution. Systemd's own documentation says "Usage of this API is generally recommended to clients." And while systemd doesn't preclude alternative implementations, systemd's specifications are not developed through a vendor-neutral process like the IETF, so there is no guarantee that other implementers would have an equal seat at the table.) I have faith that the Linux ecosystem can correct its trajectory. Let's start now, and stop following systemd down the primrose path.


September 28, 2016

How to Crash Systemd in One Tweet

The following command, when run as any user, will crash systemd:

NOTIFY_SOCKET=/run/systemd/notify systemd-notify ""

After running this command, PID 1 is hung in the pause system call. You can no longer start and stop daemons. inetd-style services no longer accept connections. You cannot cleanly reboot the system. The system feels generally unstable (e.g. ssh and su hang for 30 seconds since systemd is now integrated with the login system). All of this can be caused by a command that's short enough to fit in a Tweet.

Edit (2016-09-28 21:34): Some people can only reproduce if they wrap the command in a while true loop. Yay non-determinism!

The bug is remarkably banal. The above systemd-notify command sends a zero-length message to the world-accessible UNIX domain socket located at /run/systemd/notify. PID 1 receives the message and fails an assertion that the message length is greater than zero. Despite the banality, the bug is serious, as it allows any local user to trivially perform a denial-of-service attack against a critical system component.

The immediate question raised by this bug is what kind of quality assurance process would allow such a simple bug to exist for over two years (it was introduced in systemd 209). Isn't the empty string an obvious test case? One would hope that PID 1, the most important userspace process, would have better quality assurance than this. Unfortunately, it seems that crashes of PID 1 are not unusual, as a quick glance through the systemd commit log reveals commit messages such as:

Systemd's problems run far deeper than this one bug. Systemd is defective by design. Writing bug-free software is extremely difficult. Even good programmers would inevitably introduce bugs into a project of the scale and complexity of systemd. However, good programmers recognize the difficulty of writing bug-free software and understand the importance of designing software in a way that minimizes the likelihood of bugs or at least reduces their impact. The systemd developers understand none of this, opting to cram an enormous amount of unnecessary complexity into PID 1, which runs as root and is written in a memory-unsafe language.

Some degree of complexity is to be expected, as systemd provides a number of useful and compelling features (although they did not invent them; they were just the first to aggressively market them). Whether or not systemd has made the right trade-off between features and complexity is a matter of debate. What is not debatable is that systemd's complexity does not belong in PID 1. As Rich Felker explained, the only job of PID 1 is to execute the real init system and reap zombies. Furthermore, the real init system, even when running as a non-PID 1 process, should be structured in a modular way such that a failure in one of the riskier components does not bring down the more critical components. For instance, a failure in the daemon management code should not prevent the system from being cleanly rebooted.

In particular, any code that accepts messages from untrustworthy sources like systemd-notify should run in a dedicated process as a unprivileged user. The unprivileged process parses and validates messages before passing them along to the privileged process. This is called privilege separation and has been a best practice in security-aware software for over a decade. Systemd, by contrast, does text parsing on messages from untrusted sources, in C, running as root in PID 1. If you think systemd doesn't need privilege separation because it only parses messages from local users, keep in mind that in the Internet era, local attacks tend to acquire remote vectors. Consider Shellshock, or the presentation at this year's systemd conference which is titled "Talking to systemd from a Web Browser."

Systemd's "we don't make mistakes" attitude towards security can be seen in other places, such as this code from the main() function of PID 1:

/* Disable the umask logic */
if (getpid() == 1)

Setting a umask of 0 means that, by default, any file created by systemd will be world-readable and -writable. Systemd defines a macro called RUN_WITH_UMASK which is used to temporarily set a more restrictive umask when systemd needs to create a file with different permissions. This is backwards. The default umask should be restrictive, so forgetting to change the umask when creating a file would result in a file that obviously doesn't work. This is called fail-safe design. Instead systemd is fail-open, so forgetting to change the umask (which has already happened twice) creates a file that works but is a potential security vulnerability.

The Linux ecosystem has fallen behind other operating systems in writing secure and robust software. While Microsoft was hardening Windows and Apple was developing iOS, open source software became complacent. However, I see improvement on the horizon. Heartbleed and Shellshock were wake-up calls that have led to increased scrutiny of open source software. Go and Rust are compelling, safe languages for writing the type of systems software that has traditionally been written in C. Systemd is dangerous not only because it is introducing hundreds of thousands of lines of complex C code without any regard to longstanding security practices like privilege separation or fail-safe design, but because it is setting itself up to be irreplaceable. Systemd is far more than an init system: it is becoming a secondary operating system kernel, providing a log server, a device manager, a container manager, a login manager, a DHCP client, a DNS resolver, and an NTP client. These services are largely interdependent and provide non-standard interfaces for other applications to use. This makes any one component of systemd hard to replace, which will prevent more secure alternatives from gaining adoption in the future.

Consider systemd's DNS resolver. DNS is a complicated, security-sensitive protocol. In August 2014, Lennart Poettering declared that "systemd-resolved is now a pretty complete caching DNS and LLMNR stub resolver." In reality, systemd-resolved failed to implement any of the documented best practices to protect against DNS cache poisoning. It was vulnerable to Dan Kaminsky's cache poisoning attack which was fixed in every other DNS server during a massive coordinated response in 2008 (and which had been fixed in djbdns in 1999). Although systemd doesn't force you to use systemd-resolved, it exposes a non-standard interface over DBUS which they encourage applications to use instead of the standard DNS protocol over port 53. If applications follow this recommendation, it will become impossible to replace systemd-resolved with a more secure DNS resolver, unless that DNS resolver opts to emulate systemd's non-standard DBUS API.

It is not too late to stop this. Although almost every Linux distribution now uses systemd for their init system, init was a soft target for systemd because the systems they replaced were so bad. That's not true for the other services which systemd is trying to replace such as network management, DNS, and NTP. Systemd offers very few compelling features over existing implementations, but does carry a large amount of risk. If you're a system administrator, resist the replacement of existing services and hold out for replacements that are more secure. If you're an application developer, do not use systemd's non-standard interfaces. There will be better alternatives in the future that are more secure than what we have now. But adopting them will only be possible if systemd has not destroyed the modularity and standards-compliance that make innovation possible.


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