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In reply to Comment by Reader Lizzie Moratti

Andrew Ayer on 2024-05-12 at 21:08:

Hi Lizzie, thanks for reading!

"25% of the IPv4 address space" refers to attacks using a subnet mask (option 1). Obviously classless static routes (option 121) are more powerful, but they might be ignored by clients. A subnet mask attack is less powerful but will work against any DHCP client.

Network namespaces are another great option to protect against route attacks, though I've unfortunately encountered some wireless drivers which don't support network namespaces. When I wrote this post, I was also thinking about remote code execution vulnerabilities in the DHCP client, which network namespaces wouldn't defend against, but these days I would look for a DHCP client written in a memory-safe language instead of going to the trouble of using VMs.


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